The Story Of A Woman Who Gave Birth To Bathroom Slippers
The place was the premises of the hospital emergency ward, after some few minutes patience by Amina and her waiting husband, the woman incidentally started vomiting, and all of a sudden, she delivered an object verified as a mere slippers.
It was at this juncture, the attention of the hospital authorities was drawn and Amina Usman was formally admitted. The object was later confirmed by a medical doctor to be one leg slipper tagged by people as ‘soso’ wear. The doctor, a principal medical officer Ahmed Yaro said Amina Usman, 25 years reported for stomach ache and the necessary drugs were prescribed for her only to deliver a single slipper wear even before the left the hospital premises.
“We gave her an injection and two tablets of paracetamol and gave her a bed to have some rest. She was discharged after some few minutes rest, only to be brought back to us on her way out of thehospital, she delivered a slipper” Yaro said. He explained that Amina complained to him about some abdominal pain and fever on her body, and after several questions posed to her, we came to the conclusion that there was nothing like pregnancy as indicated on her body. “On examining her, we discovered that there was no evidence of hotness of body and neither was there a symptom of any sickness so I placed her on paracetamol so that she could come back the following morning for re-examination.”
The Doctor said he was surprised when the woman was said to have delivered a slipper at the building veranda and there was no sign of pregnancy even after the delivery. According to Amina’s mother, who did not give her name, she explained that her daughter has been sick for quite some time and has been complaining of back and abdominal pains. “What I know is that my daughter, Amina has been complaining of back pain and abdominal pain. I brought her to the general hospital, Azare for examination and the doctor prescribed drugs for her. She was given two injections and we left. But on our way out, she started complaining of the back pain again and I massaged it for her. In the process, a slipper now fell down from her private part”, the mother said.
She explained that from there they went back into the hospital to complain about the unusual happening to the nursing officer and Amina was thereafter admitted where she was later infused with blood. However, the mother of Amina confirmed that her daughter was not pregnant but rather she was sick all along. “No Amina is not pregnant, because every month she sees her menstrual period but was always complaining about something moving inside her stomach which she always asked me to touch so that I could feel it.” She added that “every day we were always in a health centre or clinic due to the daily complain of my daughter, even her husband was always with us to ensure that things went alright”. The mother of the delivering daughter further explained that “after she delivered the slipper, there was nothing like blood which followed the abnormality but she diffused a lot of water from her body. Amina’s husband on his part, narrated almost the same thing with that of her mother, but however said he believed that the sickness was from God as he has no one to blame for it.
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